Our Club is Moving Forward!

May 20, 2008

This weekend at the Club BBQ we held, we had a lot of fun. It was a hot day but we were able to hang in there and survive the heat! We thank all of those who were able to make it and help support our club.  We are moving forward and were able to establish our board members and enjoyed hearing from Carolyn Chan, the speaker/attorney we had come.  We will be opening our bank account and voting on a name for our club this week and are awaiting a few more membership dues to come in so we can apply for our sanction and we are well on our way! We have made great progress and enjoyed holding our first club gathering, we can’t wait to get our Fun Shows in place. We will be holding conformation and weight pull, which I believe we will be one of the only clubs in California to hold weight pull at this time so we are very excited about that and bringing in people from all over! We are still accepting members if you are interested in being a part of our club!